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Psychological and Educational Science Department

Identification of the Department:

The Educational and Psychological Sciences Department was established in 1990. It is an academic department which servers all the collage students at both the BA and post graduate study stages. In the beginning, the department relied on secondment of staff ,then gradually, as time passed it witnessed a great degree of development and growth with respect to complementing the teaching staff. It has become a complete self sufficient department with respect to all aspects .Today there are (31) members and assisting staff comprising professors, associate professors, teachers assistant teachers and demonstrators. The department is responsible for preparing students comprehensively in education, psychology, curricula, in addition to the basic preparation in the major specializations in arts, home economics, journalism, broad casting and television sciences as well as music education and computer sciences. Further more, the department awards the special Diploma ,MA and PhD degrees in the curricula and Teaching Methods of all the study areas and specializations in the collage .

The Mission of the Department :

The Educational and Psychological Sciences Department in the Faculty of Specific Education and its two branches undertakes the mission of enhancing and complementing the other departments in the collage , in the sense that it prepares the students professionally at both the theoretical and the practical levels according to the international professional criteria and the requirements of the instructional institutions and the small projects. This has been planned and implemented with respect to all study areas and specializations and on the basic of high levels of awareness of the environment problems and the ethics of the profession. The department 's mission extends further is include upgrading the abilities of graduates through providing post graduate study opportunities, i.e., for awarding high diploma in the specializations, as well as, MA and PhD degrees. Moreover, the staff members, contribute to enriching the educational and psychological sciences through original researches .They also provide community services and assist in the development of the environment through offering educational and psychological consultations whenever required.

The Vision of the Department :

The department seeks to achieve high levels of quality and distinction and hold a remarkable position on the university education map with respect to all the different fields (i.e. education, scientific research, and community and environmental development. It aims at the preparation of students who can compete in the labour marker . This aim has been pursued through providing a distinguished instructional and learning environment in a climate which encourages both theoretical and applied scientific field researches.

The Aims of the Department :

  • The preparation, updating and development of instructional programmes and learning techniques and tools in all the specialization branches of the department in accordance with its mission .
  • Upgrading the level of the researches in all subsidiary specializations in the department to hold a distinguished status among corresponding departments .
  • Upgrading the level of the students' academic achievement and intellectual ambition .
  • Increasing students' awareness of the importance of cultural and intellectual variation .
  • Assisting students in understanding the ethical and professional aspects when practicing the knowledge and skills they have acquired.
  • Increasing students' understanding of the requirements and commitments related to academic success.
  • Maximizing the interaction between the students and staff members as well as their colleagues.
  • Encouraging the students to develop confidence in themselves and in their abilities
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