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The Study and Examination System


The duration of study for the BA degree is 4 years.
  1. The academic year is divided into two terms.
  2.   Students need to achieve 75%presence rate in the courses to enter the course exams.
  3.   Students pass the tests if they  achieve 50% of the total test score, provided they get 30% of the written test (or the applied test if the course test is applied only).
  4.  The student is promoted to a higher grade if he passes all the course tests, or if he fails in two course tests only (he then takes the test with the students who study the courses which he missed .As for the seniors of fourth year who fail in two tests , they take a second session test  in October. If they fail again, they take the test they have failed with the students who study the course till they achieve success.
  5. The students study for the specialization project in the fourth year. The score is added to the total score. It is not considered a course of failure or success.
  6. The Students can be granted the following estimations:
     < >Excellent 85% plus.V .Good 75% plus.Good 65%plus .Pass 50% plus.Students who fail get one of the following:
    • Weak 30%: up to less than 50% of the total score
    • V. Weak: less than 30%of the total score .
  7. The student who fails in two courses restudies and takes tests in them. His estimation in case he succeeds does not exceed 64%of the total course score .


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