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The geographical scope

  • The University Council agreed that the geographical scope of Mansoura University should be as follows:
  1. A) Students who obtained a high school diploma from Dakahlia Governorate.
  2. B) Zifta Center in Gharbia Governorate for the Faculty of Specific Education in Mit Ghamr [Decision of the Supreme Council of Universities in its session No. (432) on 10/1/2005 AD.
  • Rules for transferring new students to the first year

On 7/29/2007, the Supreme Council of Universities decided that the transfer of students who are candidates for admission to universities or who wish to transfer their enrollment from one college to another non-corresponding college should be done through electronic coordination, emphasizing that the transfer or transfer of enrollment of these students through colleges will not be accepted. or universities.

  • Controls for transferring between corresponding colleges in academic years higher than the first year

1- The transfer between corresponding colleges in universities should be centralized at the level of each university.

2- That the student be successful and transferred to a higher division in the college from which he was transferred.

3 The percentage of transferees does not exceed 20% of the number of students enrolled in the division to which transfer is required, according to general rules announced in each college.

4- The priority for transfer should be among the applicants for the students with the highest totals.

5- Requests to transfer students between corresponding colleges may not be accepted after a month has passed since the start of the study.

6- The student has the right to extract a case statement from the college he is enrolled in to submit it to any other party.

- On 10/2/1999 the Supreme Council of Universities decided: (The recommendation to university presidents to consider the failure of the student transferred to a higher division in supplementary subjects that are not included in accordance with the internal regulations of the college within the subjects of failure and success does not prevent the student from submitting a request for transfer to another college and that acceptance or Refusal to transfer depends on the student’s fulfillment of the controls approved by the Supreme Council of Universities in this regard, as well as the additional conditions set by each college according to its circumstances.

7 - Success in the abilities tests of the Departments of Art Education, Music Education and Educational Theatre.

  • Students wishing to transfer enrollment from colleges inside or outside the university other than new students

Article (86), Paragraph (3) of the executive regulations of the Universities Organization Law states the following:

A student may be transferred from one college to another that is not corresponding in the same university or in another university by a decision of the council of the two faculties, provided that the year of his obtaining the general secondary certificate fulfills the conditions that qualify for admission to the college and obtains the total accepted by the college in that year.

  • Students with equivalent certificates

1- It is permissible to accept the transfer of students who obtained equivalent degrees between corresponding colleges in Egyptian universities under the same conditions as students who obtained the Egyptian general secondary certificate within the limits of the rules governing this and issued by the Supreme Council of Universities.

2- It is permissible to transfer the enrollment of a student who obtained an equivalent certificate between non-corresponding faculties under the following conditions:

  1. A) The approval of the main coordination office for universities and higher institutes.
  2. B) The student must provide evidence of his residence in the geographical area of Mansoura University.

3- On March 18, 1991, the Supreme Council of Universities decided the following:

In order to achieve the principle of equal opportunities for Egyptian students and not to allow any exceptions, it is prohibited to transfer Egyptian students from foreign universities to Egyptian universities unless the student has obtained the minimum score in the general secondary certificate or its equivalent for admission to the concerned college to which he wishes to transfer or transfer his enrollment to it, provided that The transfer is done centrally through the main coordination office for admission to Egyptian universities and higher institutes in Cairo.

  • With regard to case data that are received by the administration or colleges by mail and in violation of the terms of transfer, they are not considered.
  • Commitment to applying the articles of the Universities Organization Law, its executive regulations, and the decisions of the Supreme Council of Universities regarding transfers and transfer of enrollment, which will be received in the future.

Papers and documents required in case of conversion or transfer of registration:

1 A case statement of the subjects studied by the student in the college from which he was transferred, explaining the grades and grades obtained.

2- A document proving his residence in the geographical scope of Mansoura University (a copy of the high school certificate in the original, an electricity, gas or water receipt in the name of the father or mother).


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