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Special Diploma

  • Duration of study in the Special Diploma Program is two year .Students who have a BA, in specific education or a corresponding degree are accepted for enrollment if they have the general estimation "good". The delegated students are exempted from this term .
  1. Oral and written admission tests are administered to candidates in the study specializations ,and in texts in the specializations in English. The test timing is specified by the college board.

  2.  The Special Diploma Degree is  granted to the students in the following areas:

  3. Curricula and teaching methods in all the above mentioned study areas and specializations.

  4. The academic areas of the main five specializations in the college.

Study Expenses

The Egyptian students

Delegated Students

668Egyptian pounds

1200 $ Sterling   as an  enrollment charge for the registration card "to be paid once at the time of  entrance".


1000$ Sterling as annual study expenses

  1. The Study Schedule of the Special Diploma curricula and teaching methods of the main specializations:

      Studies in curricula and educational technology.

First year

The total score The number of the hours The Courses Include No.
Total Applied test Year works
And an oral
Written test
100 --- 20 80 3 * Studies in  Psychology ( 1 ) 1
100 --- 20 80 3 * Studies in Education ( 1 ) 2
100 --- 20 80 3 Studies in curricula and  educational technology ( 1 ) 3
100 --- 20 80 3 Studies in the teaching methods of the specialization ( 1 ) 4
100 20 20 60 3 Educational statistics and computer 5
100 According to the chosen subject 4 ** The academic specialization course (1) 6
100 According to the chosen subject 4 **The academic specialization course (2) 7
700 --- --- --- 23 A total
The second year
100 --- 20 80 3 * Studies in  Psychology ( 2 ) 1
100 --- 20 80 3 * Studies in Education ( 2 ) 2
100 --- 20 80 3

Studies in curricula and the educational technology ( 2 )

100 --- 20 80 3 Scientific Research Methods 4
100 --- 40 60 3 Seminars 5
100 --- 20 80 3 Studies in the teaching methods of the specialization ( 2 ) 6
100 According to the chosen subject 4 ** The academic specialization course (3) 7
700 --- --- --- 22 A total

  * In these courses, the student  studies three different specializations from the academic departments is which the courses belong.

** The specialization subjects (1, 2, 3) are determined based on the student specialization in the BA stage as part of the Special Diploma Courses in the same       specialization.  Evaluation follows the same distribution of scores other Diploma subjects.

Home Economies

The first year

The total score The number of the hours The Courses Include No.
Total Applied test Year works
And an oral
written test
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 1 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 1 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2 Studies in the Curricula and  Educational Technology and Teaching Methods ( 1 ) 3
100 20 20 60 4 Statistics and Computer 4
100 20 20 60 4 Nutrition (advanced) 5
100 20 20 60 4 Advanced Studies in Clothes 6
100 --- 20 80 4 House Management and Family Economics 7
100 20 20 60 4 Advanced Design of Clothes. 8
650 --- --- --- 26 A total
The second year
100 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 2 ) 1
100 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 2 ) 2
100 --- 10 40 2

Studies in the Curricula and  Educational Technology ( 2 )

100 --- 20 80 4 The scientific research methods 4
100 20 20 60 4 The nutrition of sensitive categories 5
100 20 20 60 4 The planning and the preparation of the meals 6
100 --- 20 80 4 The new trends in the tissue 7
100 --- 40 60 4 Seminars 8
700 --- --- --- 26 A total

* In these courses, the student  studies three different specializations from the academic departments is which the courses belong.

Art Education

The first year

The total score

The number of the hours The Courses Include No.
Total Applied test Year works
And an oral
written test
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 1 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 1 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2 Studies in curricula, Educational Technology and Teaching Methods (1) 3
100 20 20 60 4 Statistics and Computer 4
100 40 30 30 4 Studies in Designing 5
100 40 30 30 4 Studies in Drawing and Picturing 6
100 40 30 30 4 Studies in Carving and Pottery 7
100 40 30 30 4 Studies in Textile and Printing 8
650 --- --- --- 26 A total
The second year
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 2 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 2 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2

Studies in curricula, Teaching Methods and Educational Technology ( 2 )

100 --- 20 80 4 Scientific Research Methods 4
100 40 30 30 4 Studies in Metal works 5
100 40 30 30 4 Studies in Wood 6
100 40 30 30 4 Studies in Artistic and Folklore  Work 7
100 --- 40 60 4 Seminars 8
650 --- --- --- 26 A total

* In these courses, the student  studies three different specializations from the academic departments is which the courses belong.

Music Education

The first year

The total score

The number of the hours The Courses Include No.
Total Applied test Year works
And an oral
written test
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 1 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 1 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2 Studies in curricula, Educational Technology and Teaching Methods ( 1 ) 3
100 20 20 60 4 Statistics and Computer 4
100 --- 30 70 2 Audio Training 5
100 --- 30 70 2 Rhythm and Motional Expression 6
100 70 30 --- 2 Improvisation 7
100 30 --- 70 2 Music of The General EEducation 8
100 --- 30 70 2 Harmony and Counterpoint 9
100 70 30 --- 1 Vocal Verbal training and Education 10
100 70 30 --- 1 Piano 11
100 --- --- 100 2 History and Analysis of Music 12
1050 --- --- --- 24 A total
The second year
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 2 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 2 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2

Studies in Curricula, Educational Technology and Teaching Methods ( 2 )

100 --- 20 80 4 Scientific Research Methods 4
100 70 30 --- 2 Audio Training 5
100 70 30 --- 2 Rhythm and Motional Expression 6
100 70 30 --- 2 Improvisation 7
100 --- 40 60 2 Seminars 8
100 --- 30 70 2 Music of the General Education 9
100 --- 30 70 2 Mechanical Composition Singing and Distribution 10
50 30 20 --- 1 Vocal Verbal Training and Education 11
100 70 30 --- 1 Piano 12
100 --- --- 100 2 History and Analysis of Music 13
1100 --- --- --- 26 A total

* In these courses, the student  studies three different specializations from the academic departments is which the courses belong.

Preparation of Computer Teachers

The first year

The total score

The number of the hours The Courses Include No.
Total Applied test Year works
And an oral
written test
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 1 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 1 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2 Studies in curricula, Educational Technology and Teaching Methods (1) 3
100 20 20 60 4 Advanced Programming(1) 4
100 20 20 60 4 System Analysis and Design 5
100 20 20 60 4 Data Bases 6
100 20 20 60 4 Teaching with The Computer 7
100 20 20 60 4 Advanced Operation Systems 8
650 --- --- --- 26 A total
The second year
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 2 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 2 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2

Studies in curricula, Educational Technology and Teaching Methods(2)

100 --- 20 80 4 Scientific Research Methods 4
100 20 20 60 4 Program Planning Techniques 5
100 20 20 60 4 Advanced Programming ( 2 ) 6
100 20 20 60 4 Artificial intelligence and expert systems 7
100 --- 40 60 4 Seminars 8
650 --- --- --- 26 A total

* In these courses, the student  studies three different specializations from the academic departments is which the courses belong.

Educational Mass Media

The first year

The total score

The number of the hours The Courses Include No.
Total Applied test Year works
And an oral
written test
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 1 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 1 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2 Studies in Curricula, Educational Technology and Teaching  Methods(1) 3
100 --- 40 60 4 Statistics and computer 4
100 --- 40 60 4 Educational Theatre 5
100 --- 20 80 4 Studies in the Sciences of Journalism 6
100 --- 20 80 4 Studies in Broadcasting and Television 7
100 --- 20 80 4 A Specialized Course in broadcasting and Television or The Educational Theatre or Public Relations (based on the choice of the student ) 8
650 --- --- --- 26 A total
The second year
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in  Psychology ( 2 ) 1
50 --- 10 40 2 * Studies in Education ( 2 ) 2
50 --- 10 40 2

Studies in Curricula, Educational Technology and Teaching  Methods(2)

100 --- 20 80 4 Scientific Research Methods 4
100 --- 40 60 4 Seminars 5
100 --- 40 60 4 Curriculum Dramatization 6
100 20 20 60 4 Communication Theories 7
100 --- 20 80 4 A Specialized Course in broadcasting and Television, The Educational Theatre or Public Relations (Based on the  Choice of The Student) 8
650 --- --- --- 26 A total

* In these courses, the student  studies three different specializations from the academic departments to  which the courses belong.

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