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The System of Student Disciplining


          Any violation of laws, regulations and university traditions is to be subjected to the disciplining measures system ,particularly in the following cases:

  1. Actions which disturb the college systems; or cause damage to the university establishments

  2. Interrupting the study activities or urging others to commit such violations.

  3. Actions of dishonesty and irresponsible behavior or misbehavior inside and outside the university.

  4. Violation of the test system or cheating in the test or attempting to cheat.

  5. Any damage to buildings,  establishments equipment, materials or books….etc.

  6. Group organization inside the university without permission from the specialized university authorities.

  7. Distributing publication leaflets or issuing wall newspapers or collecting signatures without permission from the university specialized authorities.

  8. Banding in strike inside the university buildings ,or participating in demonstrations in violation of the general system or decency.

  9. In cases of committing cheating during the examination or attempting to, if the student is caught and taken out of the exam room , he is prevented from entering the exam in the remaining courses and fails in all the examination subjects and will be referred to the disciplining council.

  10. In other cases the examination is considered invalid based on a decree from the disciplining council or the college board ,consequently the scientific degree is abolished if it has been awarded before the cheating case is disclosed.

The Disciplining Punishments

  1. Cautioning orally or in writing.

  2. Warning.

  3. Deprivation from some student services .

  4. Deprivation from attending the lessons of one course for one month at the most.

  5. Displacement from the college for a month at the most.

  6. Deprivation from taking test in one course or more .

  7. Cancellation of one test or more .

  8. Displacement from the college for approximately one term or less.

  9. Deprivation from taking tests during one term or more.

  10. Displacement from the college for not more than one term .

  11. A terminal  displacement from the university. Other universities are to be informed in this case.


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