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Research Plan 2021-2022

Research Plan in Art Education

  • Research studies in the field of art history and criticism
  • Research studies in the field of artistic works
  • Research studies in the field of ceramic sculpture
  • Research studies in the field of design and decoration.

Computer Research Plan 2021-2022

  • Artificial intelligence applications in the educational process
  • Information systems applications in the educational process
  • Virtual reality applications and simulation systems in the educational process
  • Image processing applications in the educational process.

Home Economics Research Plan 2021-2022

  • Nutrition and food science.
  • textile and clothing
  • Household management and family economics.

Research Plan in Educational Theater 2021-2022

  • The role of theater in the face of the Corona pandemic
  • Digital theater in the era of globalization
  • Recent trends in educational theater.

The problem of school theater in Egypt

  • Academic programs for educational theater in Egypt and the world.
  • Benefiting from international experiences in educational theatre.
  • The future of technology use in educational theatre.
  • The challenges of the Corona pandemic and its impact on the educational theatre

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Mansoura - Mishaal Square - Mansoura University - Faculty of Specific Education, 35516

  2257171 (50) 20+

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