Alumni Follow-up Unit

Duties of the Alumni Unit

  • Effective communication and communication between the college and the alumni through an electronic form and a paper form that are filled out electronically and on paper together by the alumni.
  • Building bridges for communication between the college and the owners of the surrounding institutions and companies to know their needs of graduates.
  • Participation of graduates in the activities organized by the university, represented in the following: exhibitions, seminars, public lectures, meetings, … as well as the following:

Employment forums:

Through which graduates, community institutions and businessmen are invited to provide various job opportunities for graduates.

success story:

Through it, meetings are organized for distinguished graduates who have succeeded in practical life, and present their success stories to their peers from the graduates, as well as to students who did not graduate, in order to motivate them.

Training courses:

Where training courses are offered in the light of the training and professional needs of graduates, which help them fill the gap in their professional skills. It also works to inform the graduates to participate in these courses, seminars and workshops.

Early payments:

Where the names and photos of the first students are displayed on the college page on the website and the college page on social networking sites.

Alumni Album:

The annual graduation party photo albums and all important information related to the graduation party are displayed on the website, the college page, and on social networking sites.

Job advertisements:

Through this tool, the various jobs that are advertised through different institutions and suitable for graduates of the college in various fields are announced on the college's page on social networking sites.


Strengthening the means of positive communication between the college and the graduates to ensure their continuous development scientifically to be ambassadors of Mansoura University at the level of Egypt and the Arab world, in addition to the college's aspiration to build an effective and sustainable partnership between the college and its graduates and with the societal parties.

Mission :

Opening channels of communication and communication between the college and the alumni and providing the best means of guidance and counseling. The unit is also keen to follow up and train graduate students to qualify them for the requirements of the labor market, as well as work to find the necessary mechanisms and methods to achieve communication between graduates and the college on the one hand, and between the institutions and bodies of the local and regional community on the other hand.


  1. Establishing a large-scale employment database to enable us to employ our students in a record time during all stages of their careers.
  2. Providing networking opportunities for graduates, students and stakeholders.
  3. Participation in regionally successful job fairs and workshops
  4. Holding graduation ceremonies and meetings for graduates at the highest levels.
  5. Recognizing outstanding alumni and volunteers through the Alumni Awards Program.

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Mansoura - Mishaal Square - Mansoura University - Faculty of Specific Education, 35516

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